1461 Franklin Avenue Garden City

205 E 42nd St



Venues have a unique challenge, as there is constantly a revolving door of programming. This calls for a specific type of marketing. With the advancements in marketing algorithms and optimization, targeting your core yearly audience as never been more attainable.

Public Relations

Sometimes PR can make or break an event, tour, or career. We don’t subscribe to the idea that PR doesn’t sell tickets or downloads. Our #1 goal is to make sure you’re achieving your goal.

Music Festivals

Music festivals are the “Superbowl” of event marketing. It takes a team that knows what a year long marketing campaign intails. You need to proper planning, and infrastructure to achieve festival goals.

Content Creation

For our industry this goes beyond just looking great. There’s a science to the look of all the ad material that goes into branding, and marketing. Social Media Videos, Commericals, Banner ads, all have a degree of science to them.

Artists & Concert Tour Marketing

Ten cities, twenty cities, or a hundred cities all pose their challenges. The key is to ensure that you set your seating capacity goals and have the correct tools to get there. Our marketing tools are geared towards a successful tour and a full house.

Social Marketing & Management

It’s not just about Facebook anymore. Nowadays, you must show a unified front on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Youtube, and Snapchat..


We make great social videos that have the top of the sales funnel in mind. We understand digital marketing, and it is evident in our marketing materials.  Gone are the days of the 20K produced 30-second TV commercial, now all that matters is how it looks and formats on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Snapchat, and Youtube.